Like the Wall Street Journal owner, CNN is developing an aggregator of news content. The goal of the latter is to make the media less dependent on platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Google News or Apple News.
Media dependence on platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Google or Apple News is a recurring topic. And facing this problem, CNN could try another approach: launch a competing platform.
As Engadget reports, this is what CNN Digital boss Andrew Morse said in an interview with The Information. This service, whose name is not yet revealed, would be an aggregator of news content that would track multiple media, and mix free content (but funded by advertising) and paid content (subscription) . The service could also include “original content” from CNN, and contextualize certain topics through US media archives.
Media want to create anti-Facebook services
For the moment, it is not known when CNN could launch this aggregator and many details are not known. But the company’s goal is clear: to ensure that the giants of new technologies do not carry too much weight.
CNN revealed this new plan a few days before the beta launch of Facebook News. This is a new tab of Facebook that is fully dedicated to news content, and is currently available in the United States, for a portion of social network users.
It will also be noted that another US media giant, News Corp, announced a similar project in August. The owner of the Wall Street Journal, the New York Post and Stortful wants to launch an aggregator called