Dumas Alexandre – The Isle of Fire (Volume 1)
Dumas Alexandre – The Isle of Fire (Volume 1): If you wait “The Three Musketeers” transposed into an exotic island, give up this reading! Nothing in common with this black and dark work where the fantastic story is imbued with the heaviness of the colonial atmosphere of the island of Java in the late 1840s, in a context of struggles between Dutch, Indians and Malays.
For, this thirteenth of November 1847, Eusebius Van Den Beek, a young Dutchman recently arrived in Java is desperate. His young wife, Esther, is dying. The mysterious doctor Basilius, whom he had summoned, arrives too late … But Basilius offers him a pact: the resurrection of Esther, his niece, in exchange for his body, which will be put at the disposal of the doctor, when he will have committed suicide. Covenant accepted: Esther returns to her. The next day Eusebius learns of the death of Basilius. A will bequeaths his fortune to Esther. But there is a codicil … Beginning of the tribulations of Esther and Eusebius …
Resurrections, reincarnations, awakened nightmares, a gothic novel before the hour that will gradually lead you to understand (patience!) How the prophecy of Dr. Basilius will be realized. Will our heroes finally get away from the imbroglio in which they fell? Not without twists and turns …

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