There are a lot of things you want to do in one lifetime. But in wanting to be successful, it’s easy to get lost in the idea of doing too much. More trips, more money, more experiences, more books, more connections and so on.
You focus so much on these outward aspects, that maybe you don’t pay too much attention to the habits that matter most. What you say and think is, in fact, more important than what you do. The words you say every day have a huge impact on the decisions you end up making.
Note: Today I’m going to show you the 7 phrases you need to stop uttering if you want to prepare for greater success. Plus, I have a special FREE bonus to help you go even further. Make sure you read to the end to get it.
1) “I have to solve this problem”
Think about how it makes you feel to say this sentence. First of all, you feel obligated because you said you have to do something – which makes it more likely that you will be rebellious and do nothing.
Second, you called your situation a problem, so you compartmentalized part of your life in a box. Well hidden. While this is something you have to fight.
A problem is never a “problem” – it is a challenge. Think how much more powerful this word is. With a problem, your chest tightens, and you tend to hide. With a challenge, you instantly feel a surge of energy to take action to move forward – to be successful.
Takeaway: Start seeing all “problems” as “challenges”.
2) “I can’t wait”
This statement seems like the kind of thing that will make you feel aroused. But can’t you see that looking forward to another point, you tell yourself that this current moment is not as good as it could be? So, you sacrifice your life, for an imaginary scenario that has no reality of its own.
You can let a vision of the future inspire you, as long as it doesn’t devalue the present moment. Be careful with “I can’t wait. “
Takeaway: Start by seeing this moment as the moment you’ve been waiting for your entire life. In a way, it is.
3) “I am tired”
We say this a lot when we’re trying to do something we don’t really want to do. What does this statement do for anyone? Nothing really. In fact, it makes you more tired just to say it. A better way to deal with it when you feel tired is to accept it, and then do something that better matches your energy level.
Takeaway: Don’t complain, just accept the feeling and move on.
4) “Why did I do this? “
After making a mistake, this question can be constructive. It can allow us to discern the intentions behind our actions. If we get stuck on this issue then we can fall into a spiral of self-hatred and guilt. The best question worth asking is, “How can I make sure I don’t make the same mistake again? “
Takeaway: Avoid falling into a cycle of guilt – it doesn’t get anywhere.
5) “I wish I hadn’t felt what I am feeling”
In his book, The Subtle Art of Not Caring – Mark Manson suggests that: “Accepting a negative situation is a positive experience The desire for a positive experience is itself a negative experience. “.
The moment you resist the way you feel is the moment you intensify those feelings.
Takeaway: Start accepting the way you feel, all the time.
6) “It’s not my fault”
Every time you blame someone or something for your current situation, you let go of your power. You reject the present and you throw yourself into victimization. While you are not responsible for the cards you have drawn, the way you play them is entirely your responsibility.
“What you resist persists, what you watch disappears.” – Conversations with God.
Takeaway: Integrate the idea that everything you experience is your fault.
7) “I wonder what they think”
It’s not your job to worry about what other people think. The only thing you can do is be genuine, and let the rest be up to them. You only have to worry about yourself when you intend to share something with someone.
Takeaway: If this is something you feel you want to share, then you probably should.
Summary : If you cultivate your consciousness to the point where you catch yourself saying these 7 statements, I promise you a change will happen. We are so caught up with the idea of doing more that we have forgotten that it was the little habits of speaking that, in large part, got us where we are today.
In creating a happy and awesome life, change doesn’t just happen with the outward signs of success – it starts with what we say and think.