Escape the stress of everyday life to go to the mountains or the seaside, we all think for a few days. Only sometimes it is difficult to respect the budget. How to evaluate it so as not to exceed it after calculating the costs of travel, accommodation and catering?
Evaluate travel expenses for going on vacation
Who goes on vacation spares his trip. Whether by car, train, bus or plane, some of the expenses will have to be included. Only, all these means of transport are not equal. If you drive your own car, it will also count the price of the full. Intercity journeys will preferably be by bus or train, as they are cheaper. For longer distances, one can fly. It all depends on the course and the city of departure and destination, not to mention the time that can be lost on the way too far.
Calculate the cost of accommodation and catering during the stay
The cost of holiday accommodation varies depending on the address where you intend to settle the time of stay. Today, the camping option is by far the most interesting. As such, there are two choices also in terms of rental. On the one hand, you can opt for a rental package only. This allows vacationers to eat where they please and be free of their movements. Whether they want to stay at the campsite or go out and taste the restaurant of the city! On the other hand, there is the full board package. Unlike the first option, everything is planned from the start. The campsite is responsible for proposing and preparing the main meals of the day. Otherwise, there is an intermediate or half-board formula that offers indoor or outdoor dining options. This allows holidaymakers to discover local specialties outside the camp.