Set goals and strategy to reach them
The goals are challenges to be met on a daily basis. To achieve them, the implementation of an action plan, more or less imposing according to the objective, is necessary to achieve its goal.
-Whether in a couple: you have inherited a building plot in a city that you like very much. You see yourself starting a family but the cost of building the House is too high. So you decide to put your hand to the dough by doing overtime, you call on a builder of houses in Kit that will take care of the big work and you will finish the work yourself. This will really be your home!
-Whether in your work: you like your commercial position and you are quite efficient. You certainly have opportunities to progress, at your current employer or elsewhere. You decide to fight to make even more sales and put all odds on your side during your annual assessment interview.
Take action, Act… In short, step forward!
A dynamic settles, as soon as one thing materializes, you reach another. You do not want to do the spot, so to move forward, you always find something else to accomplish.
-In your family life: you finally have the home of your dreams, now do some work to give it even more value and make sure that what is “your home” for a long time;
-At work: you have obtained the promotion you want. However, you are wondering how you could bring more to your business. Some processes could be optimized, some people better used. In short, you don’t just slip comfortably into your predecessor’s slippers, but try to further improve the operation of your service.
Do not abandon from the first obstacle
Everything does not work on the first attempt. Sometimes you have to start over several times, find other ways to do it. It is important not to throw away the sponge from the first obstacle.
-At home: while the interest rates of real estate credit are decreasing, you are trying a renegotiation with your advisor. In vain, the latter tells you that the costs of the file are more important than the potential savings. So go and see a broker and if this one shows you by A + B that you can make substantial savings, take a direct appointment with your agency Manager.
-At work: despite the improvement of your results, you do not get the promotion for which you have fought. But this position may be filled elsewhere, so do not hesitate to propose your application. And if that doesn’t work out, consider the possibility of putting yourself in your account, creating the job you dream of.
Never stop believing, don’t listen to parasites
“It won’t work “, “nobody will want your product “, “it’s useless ” come back regularly to the mouths of those to whom you talk about your idea. They’re parasites. If you give them too much importance they will polluate your mind, while you have to believe in yourself to succeed in what you are undertaking. If you have questions, it is normal to ask a relative, but also ask one or more experts and forge your opinion from their answers.
Do not look for excuses for what did not work or what you did not do
You are the one and only responsible for your failures, your abandons. You did not undertake the steps to register your son at the tennis course he has been asking for you for several weeks, it is not the fault of the nanny, the rain or the buses that did not circulate, it is yours. To look for excuses is to give yourself good reasons to do nothing and this is the worst poison for whoever wants to be a leader.