Towards the 200 million 5G smartphones!
As you know, this year 2020 will mark the great beginnings (in France) of the brand new 5G network, which promises to pass our current 4G for an ancestral Edge network. In 2019, worldwide, just under 20 million 5G compatible terminals were sold. In 2020, the objective is obviously much more ambitious!
Thus, at the end of the current year, Strategy Analytics estimates that there should be no less than 200 million 5G smartphones in circulation. Obviously, not all of them will necessarily be sold and connected to a 5G network, but they will nevertheless be ready to welcome the new generation mobile network.
The firm believes that the biggest markets for 5G smartphones will be the United States, China, South Korea, but also Germany and Japan. Obviously, the COVID-19 (coronavirus) epidemic should still have an impact on the production of 5G smartphones this year. The virus also discourages consumers from going to stores to buy new 5G devices, especially in parts of China.
Strategy Analytics forecasts a “strong rebound” during the second half of 2020, if the spread of the coronavirus is obviously reduced. In 2020, 5G smartphones are expected to account for around 12% of global smartphone sales. This year, the entire range of Xiaomi smartphones above 250 euros will be compatible with the new network. Obviously, other giants in the sector have also followed in the footsteps of 5G, and we are impatiently waiting to know when Apple will offer its first iPhone 5G.
According to some, if 5G smartphones already exist, it is truly Apple that will “launch” the 5G offensive with its first iPhone compatible with this new network. It remains to be seen whether 2020 will be the year of the iPhone 5G, or whether we will have to wait until next year …