Ramuz Charles Ferdinand – The Circumstances of Life
Ramuz Charles Ferdinand – The Circumstances of Life: Inspired by the realism of Flaubert’s novels, it is the story of the life of the notary Emile Magnenat. Married without passion with Helen, a girl of good family, he leads a quiet and dreary life in a small village. The arrival of Frieda, an ambitious and unscrupulous German worker, is going to upset everything.
In this novel that opposes two worlds, that of the countryside and that of the city, Ramuz indulges in a satire, often ironic, of this bourgeois world that he hated.
Charles Ferdinand Ramuz was born in 1878 in Lausanne, Switzerland, of trading parents. After studying literature in Lausanne, he left for Paris, where he stayed regularly until 1914, while participating in the literary life of the French-speaking world. His first novel, Aline (1905), is a success. Then, until 1911, novels centered on a character (including Life of Samuel Belet, Aimé Pache, Waldensian painter, persecuted Jean-Luc). In 1914, he returned to live permanently in Switzerland. With War in the Highlands (1915), The Reign of the Evil Spirit (1917), The Cure of Illness (1917), he renounced the explanatory novel to describe communities struggling with the forces of evil, the war , the end of the world. He develops a new language closer to spoken language – to the chagrin of purists – abandoning linear narrative and introducing the “on” as the expression of a community. He died in 1947 in Pully, near Lausanne.

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