Proust Marcel – Albertine disappeared – In search of lost time 6
Proust Marcel – Albertine disappeared – In search of lost time 6: “Albertine left suddenly the apartment of the narrator where she lived. He is surprised to experience such acute suffering as he sometimes hoped for such a departure. He decides to send her a desperate message, begging her to come back to him. The same day, he receives a telegram announcing that Albertine is dead, following a fall of horse. And a few hours later, a letter from the girl begging him to let her back live with him. Distraught, the memories jostle in his head, he saw in detail the last moments with Albertine, his probable lies found all their importance, reviving a suffering that feeds on betrayals still present despite his death. To find out if Albertine was really attracted to women, he had investigations conducted: it turns out that Albertine was a lesbian. Little by little, the narrator regains his taste for life and now feels pity for “the poor little girl”. He found at the Duchess of Guermantes his childhood friend Gilberte, became Gilberte Forcheville following the remarriage of his mother, widow of Swann. The narrator learns Gilberte’s marriage with his friend Robert de Saint-Loup. This union is not happy and, during a visit that gives him the narrator, Gilberte tells him that her husband is cheating on her, without her knowing (or she pretends to ignore) that it is with men, among whom is Morel. (Proust, his characters.)

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