Jarry Alfred – Gestures
Jarry Alfred – Gestures: This collection of thirty articles appeared in “La Revue blanche” in 1902. Jarry’s “pataphysical” method – his “science of imaginary solutions” – combined with his poetry allow him to write on all subjects. Hilarious and light like confetti, the badminton shuttlecock or the king’s appendage, or tragic and provocative like the death penalty, the drowned or the anthropophagie. This is called washing his lynching within his family. … Drowned people, like fish, are rich in phosphorus, so they are an excellent fertilizer; there is no other justification to seek for this fact, that one does not miss an opportunity, their capture carried out, to put them in the ground.
Alfred Jarry (1873-1907), born in Laval in a family of the petty bourgeoisie, attended high schools in this city and Saint-Brieuc. One of his teachers embodies in the eyes of his students “all the grotesque that is in the world”. The teacher becomes the hero of a school literature, including a text called The Poles that Jarry, in first class, will put in form of comedy and represent on a theater of shadows then with the “Theater of the Phynances”, theater of puppets installed at the Jarry’s home. The first success came with The Minutes of Sand Memorial (1894), Caesar Antichrist (1895), the first part of which consists of the first four acts of Ubu king. Ubu Roi appeared in volume in 1896 and caused scandal, giving rise to what was called “the battle of Hernani symbolism.” Several works will be created posthumously. (Sources of this biography: Wikipedia, Larousse Encyclopedia Online.)
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