Back to school is often a good time to buy new equipment: new smartphone, new tablet … This is an opportunity to get back to the forefront of e-Childhood advice to accompany your child on the Internet.
- Establish a dialogue with your children by asking them to explain what they are doing on the Internet. For sure, they will be proud to show you what they are already capable of.
Teach your children to identify the type of personal information and on which sites they may disclose it. Subscribe to the college newsletter by giving his personal email address will not have the same impact as to broadcast his mobile number on his Facebook profile set in “public” mode.
Choose your credentials. Whether for you or your children, never use your name or surname as email address, username or username. Try to find a neutral name (neither male nor female, this protection is especially for girls).
Choose complicated passwords. No name, date of birth but rather a word that no one knows when trying to mix letters and numbers (example: the password “ securite“ can give 5ecur1te).
Encourage your children to be careful with social networks. Put your Facebook profile in private mode, do not create a blog too personal and if your child uses Skype, install parental control of new contacts.
Persuade your children not to accept appointments made on the Internet without telling you.
Explain to your children that on the Internet people can be malicious and try to extract important personal information (mobile number, CB number of parents, address etc …) in order to harm them or get a Appointment…
Be aware and explain to your children that any information left on the internet becomes public and often indelible (All texts and images are constantly viewed and recorded by thousands of people or companies).
Set rules for internet use and video games with age-appropriate schedules. For example, two hours a day on weekends and one hour on weekdays.
Help them to evaluate the information found on the network, not to believe everything they see on the web and to talk to an adult if in doubt: You, a close or anonymous, safe and available at Net Ecoute at 0 800 200 000.