There have probably been times when people around you call or write to you when you were thinking of them and you were planning to do it yourself. This phenomenon seems unexplained and strange. Or maybe you’ve ever thought for a long time about a problem you might want to solve, and then by dint of thinking about it you end up finding the solution to that problem somehow. Due to the unfolding of these situations some people ask themselves the question of knowing how it happened that this happened? Others are in awe, but look no further to understand why this kind of thing happened.
Now, what if I told you that this all makes perfect sense and can be explained rationally? We will go even further, the reality behind this method is that you can be, do and have whatever you want in life through certain precise means. Now in order to be able to manifest what you want out of life, you have to understand how what happened when you received a call from the person you were thinking of. Attention! the information that you will have now will give you the possibility of literally changing your daily life and manifesting your dearest desires.
If this phenomenon unfolds for message and call sending, it is much deeper than that. You can go beyond these simple texting and it applies to all walks of life for romantic, friendship, work, financial or any opportunity. So a fundamental question arises: “what is this very strange phenomenon?” “
The mystery unveiled
Science has made amazing discoveries about how your body and your environment work. That is, everything around you, physical matter. There is a very close connection between the being that you are, the objects and the people around you. To help you understand, let’s quickly talk about some science. You have certainly seen in your school career that any object or person is made up of molecules. These molecules themselves are made up of atoms. Now other people have asked themselves: what is it that makes up atoms?
The truth is, atoms are made up of small particles called quark. So all physical matter is made up of this pretty spectacular particle. It is like little balls of energy that vibrate at a certain frequency. For example, when listening to music, the music emits waves or vibrations. The unit of measurement is Hertz. The same with a radio station, when we decide to listen to a specific channel we tune into a certain frequency. The universe works the same way, that is, you vibrate at a certain precise frequency.
For example, when you observe a table, a chair or any other object, it is made up of its particles called a quark. And what differentiates an object from the cells in your body is simply the vibratory rate that is different. It vibrates at a frequency that is different from your cells. The vibratory rate determines what type of atoms will be created and again the atom makes up a molecule. Now you may be asking yourself the question, what is the connection and the usefulness of knowing this information?
The influence of your power
The scientific community has found that you have an influence on physical matter and the world around you. You have the ability as a creator to be able to modify the properties of an object. For example, when you heat food in the microwave, the composition of that food will change under the influence of the waves emitted by the appliance. Likewise when you are in a center or laboratory. It has been found that gamma waves or X-rays also impact an object. Mainly what happens is that your brain also emits certain waves like a device. A radio station is emitting waves and the organ in your skull is also emitting waves, but at a much more unexpected level.
If you want, your brain is like the radio station that sends out waves, of course not in the same way. In fact, it diffuses waves in a much more powerful and accentuated way. That is to say, a wave that you transmit by your brain is picked up at the other end of the planet at the same power both where you are and the South Pole or the North Pole it doesn’t matter .
Whereas a radio wave is limited in distance and cannot pass through any object as it wishes. For example, reinforced concrete insulates the waves emitted. On the other hand, your brain transmits frequencies which can pass through any physical matter. He diffuses it with tremendous power. In other words, your brain is a transmitter and receiver of vibrational waves. Suddenly, another question arises what are these waves that are emitted by my brain and what is the concrete influence in my life?
The very special secret
As you can understand now you are vibrating at a specific frequency. We are like in this soup of movement where everything and all physical matter is simply pure energy. Everything and absolutely everything is energy. Now, your brain is designed in such a way that all the thoughts you send and the feelings inside, whether positive or negative, are frequencies and vibrations that are constantly emitted 24 hours a day.
This principle is often known as the law of attraction. This law says that you attract to yourself all that you have had as an event, circumstance and people according to your feelings and your deepest thoughts. For example, if you think about wealth constantly you will get rich, if you think about having rich relationships you will have rich relationships. This law is the most powerful law in the universe. It shows that you are a creative being and that you have power over everything. So if a person contacts you while you were thinking about this person, it is because the waves you emitted were picked up by this other brain and influenced it, so that this person can contact you back.
All the researchers of science and the most successful people on earth have understood this principle and know this law. Earl Nightingale to develop a three round disc during the middle of the 20th century. He stated this fundamental principle which says:
“We become what we think about most often”
So whatever you desire, you have the capacity to receive that thing. A depressed person, for example, will bring situations, events, circumstances and people in his path which will lead to more and more negative situations.
This principle has demonstrated the fact that if you focus your mind and your feelings on a particular or specific thing for a certain period in your life, you will inevitably bring that thing to you. Now, the subject is indeed vast and to manifest your desires there are many in a very precise way. It starts with freeing your heart and mind from your life and life experiences. Or either by a burning desire for the realization of an ideal which you wish to achieve. Focus your thoughts on what you want to achieve every day and you will see the reality of your world changed. Remember to take action and be on the lookout for any potential opportunity to see your intimate desires come true.