One of the main reasons why we don’t reach our goals is that we lack the motivation to start or to continue once things get complicated. Fortunately, there are many strategies we can use to stay motivated. Here are 3 simple ways to keep your motivation high.
Develop attention and concentration through meditation.
The stress and effort of a busy life can overwhelm us, making even the most basic tasks difficult. The downward spiral of loss of motivation may seem like an impossible cycle to break. And accomplishment seems an unattainable goal once we have lost our flame.
There is, however, a simple tool that you may not have considered before that can get you back on track; meditation. This mind exercise goes far beyond just relaxation. You can improve a lot of good things in your life through its practice.
One of the biggest obstacles to our motivation is negative thinking. A pessimistic view can come from many sources such as depression, bad habits or general difficulties in life. The advantage of meditation is that it changes the brain connections, resulting in more positive thinking patterns. Meditation somehow resets the brain and allows it to regain the motivation it needs to survive.
Taking time each day to do 15 minutes of meditation makes us more insightful. This self-reflection can be the catalyst for reassessing what is really important in our life. Indeed, the purpose of your life becomes clearer when you have a better idea of your priorities and your objectives. Knowing where you want to go takes your motivation up a gear and you will feel a greater urgency to take the necessary steps to turn your ambitions into reality.
A balanced diet for a good mood
You might be surprised to know that motivation is more than setting the right goals with the right attitude and the right follow-up. What we eat can also improve our chances of achieving our goals.
Blood sugar levels can dramatically affect our mood, motivation and the decisions we make. We all know that feeling of being hungry, losing all will and swallowing every candy in sight. The best way to control this feeling is to eat three balanced meals and two snacks a day. In general, choose foods as close as possible to their natural form, unprocessed and less refined.
You should also vary your food and think about supplements to ensure your body gets all the nutrients it needs. Here, a site like – the leading encyclopedia of natural medicine – can be of great help to you.
An open mind through sports.
Healthy living not only improves an individual’s physical well-being, but also psychological well-being. People who lead healthy lives tend to feel more comfortable with themselves and with the way others perceive them. Exercise also provides oxygen and nutrients to our tissues. It ensures the proper functioning of our cardiovascular system so that we have more energy.
When we live healthy and exercise, we have more control over our lives. Since an individual who adopts a healthier lifestyle feels better about himself, he becomes more open to trying new activities. He usually accomplishes more and has a higher level of productivity and motivation.
In summary, it may take some time before we understand why we want what we want. In the meantime, we are on the right track to understanding how to motivate ourselves and how we can motivate others towards a happier, more satisfying and successful life.