Today, it is unthinkable to approach your job search without using LinkedIn, the most popular professional social network with 10 million active people in 2020 in the United States. Companies and recruiters are present, and candidates have many tools at their fingertips to distinguish themselves.
Sleep mode
Even if you are on the job, it is always advisable to keep an eye on current job market news, especially in the sector that concerns us. This monitoring process will be extremely beneficial the day you are actually looking for a new job. How do you go about it?
Spot interesting companies
Make a list of those in which you would like to practice, and follow them on LinkedIn, to be informed of their news. There is a feature on LinkedIn that allows you to follow the news of a business in one click, it’s convenient.
Identify the right people in the ecosystem
If you send the cover letter to the right person or have already discussed company culture with one of your colleagues, you earn points. LinkedIn is a gold mine for learning about the people you are going to target, do not deprive yourself.
It can be the manager of the company you are interested in, its founder or the person in charge of recruitment. The candidate can also find out about recruiting firms, headhunters, or agencies specializing in a particular sector or trade.
Get in touch with these people
Sometimes it’s easier to send an invitation to someone with a single click than it is to start a conversation with the same person. For Amélie, don’t hesitate: “I think it’s good to ask for connections with the people you are interested in, send them an invitation and possibly send them a personalized message.”
It’s constructive to start a dialogue, provided that it is relevant and targeted so it is obviously necessary to inquire beforehand so that the request does not seem hazardous.
Be transparent
Don’t be afraid to say exactly what you are looking for and to be transparent about your approach. “It is generally well received, we can for example send:” I am currently expanding my network and I am very interested in your company or your sector. I would be curious to share with you on the subject. “
Take care of your e-reputation
Many of us are on LinkedIn, but far fewer are actually active and speaking out. This is one of the most effective ways to be visible. It’s all about how to do it.