Amercians, it’s well known, we have a problem with money. It’s hard for us to talk about it, especially if it’s to reveal our salary or admit that we are having trouble controlling our budget.
But to complain about the economy, unemployment or the fact that our superior does not give us a raise.
In this article I will help you change your relationship with money with 4 essential keys.
Key # 1: change your vision on wealth change the relationship with money
Wealth is often viewed negatively by Americans. Most of the time it is viewed with contempt and is often equated with dishonesty. However, if we look at lotto statistics, for example, we see that approximately 90 million Americans play the lotto, nearly a quarter of them on a regular basis.
This is a good sign that these people want to earn money and be rich.
Does that mean they wish to despise themselves? Of course not.
This contradiction between the desire to be rich and contempt for wealth does not necessarily come from conscious hypocrisy, but rather from a societal, religious reflex (money is not a “sin”) or ‘a lack of self-awareness.
If you fall into the category of people who despise or discredit rich people, but who wouldn’t be unhappy about winning the lotto, it’s time to change your mind about money and more specifically about wealth.
Having money is not bad, nor is it a sign of dishonesty. It’s just a way to allow yourself to live well and bring your plans and dreams to life.
Key # 2: take care of your relationship with money
Just as we heal our body and our mind with a healthy lifestyle consisting of a balanced diet and regular sport, the relationship with money can “be healed”.
If you’re having trouble managing your budget – difficult end of the month, inability to complete your plans, feeling like you always have more to pay, etc. – is that your relationship with money is not healthy. It is therefore important to take care of it.
If you reject wealth and everything about your attitude, thoughts, emotions, beliefs, affirmations, habits gives a general impression that money is not welcome in your life, then the consequence is logical: it will not come. .
This is why you need to heal this relationship: reconnect with money simply by refocusing on your real desires, plans, heart desires.
Leave room for money, because you know very well, few projects are possible without money. So there is nothing wrong with wanting to have money!
Key # 3: Free Your Mind From Beliefs
In many religions there are “restrictions” on money. It is not necessarily the religious texts that are at the basis of these limits, but rather the interpretation of our fellow human beings and often those who transmit the faith.
Either way, know that no religion in its sacred texts equates money with evil or sin. Aside from going and living in complete autarky, it is best to free your mind from the beliefs that have been instilled in you. Think and analyze for yourself to give yourself the chance to act in life in harmony with your own belief.
And not the one you have inherited from parents, relatives or the society in which you live. You are quite capable of having your own opinion about money.
Be aware that beliefs hold you back and block you because having an emotional relationship with money creates pressure which in turn is stressful.
Therefore, by freeing yourself from your beliefs you will be able to deemotionalize your relationship with money and thus cleanse your negative feelings.
Key # 4: Balance Your Budget Change Money Relationship
Money often causes a lot of stress. One of the sources of this stress is, as you must know, its lack or its insufficiency. These are often caused by an imbalance in the budget.
When expenses exceed income, it may be a sign that we are living beyond our means or that we are having trouble managing the money we earn. This is often the second most common cause.
If you balance your budget, you will have less stress about money. You will end your months in the green, quietly.
For this, you probably already know, it is necessary to control the expenses and eliminate those which are superfluous.
Obviously, balancing your budget does not mean becoming stingy or living in an uncomfortable way. No. You can live comfortably by spending smarter.
Having a healthy relationship with money changing relationship with money
In order to have money and live well, you need to have a healthy and constructive relationship with money.
Realize that money is just a means and that in no way defines who you are. Like all means, you have to get to know it, to understand its potential.
Because it allows you to carry out your projects. Having a healthy relationship with money and wealth will give you more control over your budget while still enjoying life without having to worry about the next day.
Teach your children to manage their money
It is important to teach your child the value of money. This will allow him to better manage his budget when he is older.
At what age do you explain to her what the money is for? From 6 or 7 years old your child will have learned to count and he will have understood the concept of exchange. This is when you can explain the value of money to him. Before that age he will have a hard time understanding so it is useless.
Rather than giving long speeches, you can show your child that money is used to buy goods and services by giving them a few coins so they can buy candy from a merchant, for example.
Should we give pocket money?
Pocket money is a fixed sum given to the child without consideration and for free use. Giving pocket money to your children has an educational value.
Indeed, since he can use that money to buy whatever he wants, he will quickly find that he cannot buy everything.
He will have to make choices based on the money he has. Thus, he will learn to distinguish what is too expensive or what is within his reach, and he will have to manage this money as best he can to get what he wants: candy, small gadgets, cards …
Teach him how to manage his budget
By allowing children to manage their budget on their own and freely, they will take a first step towards financial independence. Of course, this is a relatively small amount and you will always be there to teach him how to use his money if he is having trouble.
But it’s a real step forward in learning the value of money and managing your budget independently. Teach him how to manage his budget but also how to save so that he can better see the value of money and the advantages of always having money on the side:
Buy a bigger toy
Or make sure you always have enough cash to buy candy every week.