Epinal Imagery – Tales and Fairies (Part 2)
Epinal Imagery – Tales and Fairies (Part 2): Still classic tales of the past: Beauty and the Beast, Tom Thumb, The Sister of Tom Thumb (yes, there is a vintage version), La Belle Golden Hair, Blue Beard in another version, The Prince Charming, The Prince Goblin, The Prince Desire, Mary, the child of the fairy, The Wolf, the Goat and its Biquets, tales and fairies in picture of Epinal. Interpreted by Imagerie d’Épinal with all the charm of their illustrations of yesteryear. Always a treat!
Son of Nicolas Pellerin, a “master cartier” of Epinal, a native of Mauvages in the Meuse, Jean-Charles Pellerin was born in Épinal in 1756. Succeeding his father, he took in 1773 the direction of the “Fabrique de Pellerin. From 1796, he expanded his activity and created the “Imagerie Pellerin”. As early as 1800, he started a small business, a real imaginary industry, which later became known as Imagerie d’Épinal. The printing of the sheet is then performed using a hand press, called “Gutenberg”. Then comes the colorist: using stencils, he applies with a round brush the different colors needed to finish the work. (source of the biography: Wikipedia.)

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