The figure speaks for itself and should make an impression. By 2024, 69% of routine tasks currently performed by managers will be automated, according to a report by consulting firm Gartner.
Concretely, most of the manual administrative tasks, or the validation of workflows will be entrusted to artificial intelligence and virtual personal assistants. Which makes Helen Poitevin, vice president of research at Gartner say: “Currently, managers often have to spend time filling out forms, updating information and approving workflows. The role of manager will see a complete overhaul over the next four years. “
Managers will have to adapt to this new situation
The job of manager should indeed change a lot because they will now have to devote themselves to other activities such as learning and developing employee skills, organizational management or even ethical issues related to the use of intelligence. artificial. These new functions will require adaptation time and surely training.
The report also highlights one of the positive consequences of automation. It could indeed allow the inclusion in the companies of many disabled workers. According to Gartner, the latter represent an untapped pool of highly qualified talent. The results seem indisputable since the companies that trust them most note a 29% increase in their profitability and a 72% increase in employee productivity.
In any case, these results confirm the trend observed in a study conducted by the Brookings Institution last year. According to the researchers, AI is five times more likely to change the jobs of a university graduate than other types of jobs.
“Our analysis shows that artificial intelligence will be an important factor in the future working lives of relatively well-paid managers, supervisors and analysts,” they said. This medium-term trend therefore seems to be confirmed and these results call on decision-makers to anticipate future changes.