You have this feeling of loneliness that worries you, you have difficulty trusting others, you are overwhelmed by a fear of rejection, managing your daily difficulties weighs heavily on you because fighting these problems tires you out, you feel more and more no more great difficulties to contain, sometimes you are on the verge of tears, you would like to be much more accepting of others for who you are.
Right now, the desire to be respected and considered is a primary need that you need in order to develop yourself socially. You feel the need to have rich relationships which contributes to your happiness, but the lack of self-love and self-confidence becomes more and more difficult is the element that hinders your release, and this because of contempt and the rejection we endure. This prevents us from helping ourselves when we encounter trials, and we also feel incomprehension about what we are going through.
This makes us realize more that in the end we are alone. Pay attention to what will follow because you will have the secret codes to free yourself definitively from the feeling of loneliness of life which hinders a fundamental part of your happiness. And that’s why I’m going to ask myself some questions, including this one:
Why do you feel so lonely and why are you alone?
The enigma of the human
I’m not going to beat around the bush for long, I’m going to say what to hear and not what to hear. Human beings live in complete misunderstanding, today few people come to understand themselves first. For example when an ordeal occurs on a daily basis. The first instinct is to focus and get hold of this problem. We ruminate The feeling of negativity in relation to this difficulty that occurs in life. “
Generally speaking, we no longer seek to solve this problem, but just to think about the negative side of this problem. This is why many live in the past. And others see what has unfolded as a life experience that has hardened them, only because they consider that they have endured it.
But what about reality and behind the scenes?
The truth is, the negative feeling that destroyed or caused pain has not gone away. Most people have waited for a period of time, until the thoughts of this state of negativity dissipate even a little bit. So people don’t really fight the problem, he lets the pain go like waves in the sea. Especially since people don’t show any ounce or potential desire to fix the problem, or even look for the opportunity that arises. hide behind what struck them.
You need to know that there is a law, called the law of polarity which says that everything or all circumstances cannot exist until there are its opposites identical. Nothing in the universe can exist if that which is contrary to it also exists. It is a law just like gravity, whether you believe it or not, or whether you accept it or not, a law is there and you cannot change how it works. So whoever seeks to understand himself is adjusting his mind’s focus on what he can arrange and what he has mastered, that person will have already done 70% of the work.
The reason for the inner difficulty
You saw that if you don’t know how to be your own friend and you don’t love yourself you will never know how to be the friend of anyone else and to be able to love others.
Another universal law says:
” You reap what you sow”.
Sow respect you will reap respect, Sow sharing and you will collect gifts, sow self-esteem and your whole environment will love you. Now as it is often pronounced, it is easier said than done. But know one thing, if deep down inside you are genuinely looking to change your situation you will make even a minimal effort to make it happen.
For example, we are not going to ask you to make a huge effort overnight. But if every day you learn to look at what you have or what has gone well in your day, then when the evening comes before bed you focus on this beautiful thing and take the time to smile and having gratitude or joy for this element, it will demonstrate your commitment to wanting to be a happy person.
Now on the other hand, we seek to fill our sense of loneliness and emptiness through others. So what happens is that we tend to quickly lose our trust in people who are not necessarily worth it. And when we realize our mistake, it is usually too late because the emotional damage that was caused, we travel a long way in your heart.
So if you are looking to help others before helping yourself, you are really looking to fill the void that heightens your feeling of loneliness. No longer try to please others as a priority, rediscover yourself by taking pleasure when you are alone. To start doing this don’t look at other people’s lives as better than yours, or focus on a problem you can’t solve. Suddenly a question arises, how to go about developing a plan that guarantees success?
The detailed plan for success
Start by listening to people who are having the results you want in your life first, stop and stop listening to people who are at the same stage as you or who are not where you want to be. Even if these people are full of good intentions, they can never actually help you because they themselves are not getting the results you want. For example if you want to be in good physical health, you will listen to the advice of an expert, a coach, a person who has already come a long way towards the oriented result that you desire.
Unfortunately the people you have always listened to on a daily basis and still listen to today may be people you care about, but the reality is, they are not really good advice. Following this principle is a universal model to follow in all areas of life, you just respect this precise model, you will have accomplished 50% of the work on yourself.
A proverb says:
“If you don’t know the exact situation of the person seeking advice, you risk giving him an answer that will leave him or her even more undecided.”
Now you get it, only seek expert advice. The second step is to seek to train yourself, it is the clue that will determine your willingness to accept the change in your life. we call it the education of your mind, because all the people who have their minds focus on the principles of success and an area in which we want to achieve success whether on the financial, romantic or relational level, It is a person who understood how to develop and cultivate joy and true fulfillment.
To do this, buy books, go to seminars, buy training, create social opportunities for you to meet favorable people. Do activities that excite you, educate your mind whether it is intellectual or spiritual. Once these things are accomplished, you will see magical things happening in your life, new encounters, new opportunities. Above all, you will be fulfilled, and once you are fulfilled from within everything and I have said it all absolutely things will come to you more easily and naturally. You will never have that feeling of isolation or loneliness ever again, you will be a good advisor to the people around you, a person that everyone would want in their life.