The truth about motivation
Motivation is a wonderful feeling. It opens your perspectives, stimulates creativity and gives you the feeling of being able to accomplish everything. It is born in general from three sensations:
The feeling of autonomy, which opens up a horizon full of possibilities. You feel free.
The feeling of mastering a domain: you are good in what you do, and by your talent wonders are realized. You feel your power.
The feeling of having a goal: what you do has a meaning, a purpose, and will serve in the future. You feel a destiny. It is a constant back and forth, between excitement and relaxation. You inflate yourself with energy and start making resolutions. You expect results that match your ambitions.
As you go along, you notice that you do not have the same enthusiasm to pursue your projects. The desire is no longer there, and the doubt seizes you: is this really what I want to do? Is it worth it? Are the tips I’m applying the right ones? Will I change, or should I stay as I am?
All these questions are parasitic questions, worries that encourage you to give up. The trip was short: of intense motivation, you reasoned with yourself and accepted that you can not do anything about it.
Having tried several processes to motivate the day without having been able to work, you will go to bed with some fear and bitterness, perhaps promising you that “tomorrow” will be different. But no, it will happen the same thing.
You will think that if you were no longer motivated, it was because your goal was not so important.
Dear friends … it’s FALSE !!
Being motivated will not help to accomplish things.
Believing that motivation determines your dreams of accomplishment is a misjudgment. You have to look at things from another angle.
You can not rely on motivation to succeed. Motivation is only a matter of mind, of boiling thoughts that will eventually rest. When you go to work, you were in your dreams, but you have to concretize your creativity physically.
You will be the test of everyday life, and this vitality will decrease with the days. It’s inevitable.
If you only rely on motivation, you will eventually run away from work. You will flee because you are afraid of boredom. We can not stand to bother. And we have been led to believe that if something bores us, then it’s better to leave it out. It is always hard to start developing your passion because there is a lot of knowledge to assimilate. But it is much harder to pursue, because working well rhyme with good progress, and progress is slow, boring.
When a task begins to barbar you, you are put to the test: will you persevere or let go of the case? Just accept the condition, and continue 5 minutes more, and another 5 minutes, and again 5 … until the click comes and the inspiration arrives. Because yes, boredom does not last: go a little beyond your limits and you will find your energy.
The trouble comes when we are faced with a long and unhelpful workload. We tend to run away with distractions (video games, internet, television …) rather than enjoying the time available to be productive. How many times have we postponed an important task? Whether it’s revising your lessons or learning new things, if you’re waiting to have enough courage to act … you’ll never have it.
Motivation is just the momentum to get to work. The fire within you that drives you to follow your dreams.
It is the habits, the rituals that will make you work tirelessly and achieve long-term results:
Development of your skills
Development of a good attitude: more dynamic, effective, and voluntary.
More confidence, and more meaning in your life. Each day is dedicated to the projects you want to achieve.
More happiness, by becoming aware of your evolution.
More opportunities, by being more competent you give yourself the chance to make contact with other people in the environment that attracts you.