Here is the question that many men ask themselves every day and luckily you will be able to access some secrets.
Maybe you’ve already been in a relationship for a few months or even a few years, or you’ve fallen in love with a particular woman and you want above all to make her happy, is that right?
There are certain keys to pulling in to achieve such a result: of course, wanting to stay with a woman for the long term is already a good thing, but it is quite another to make her happy day after day.
Some would even dare to say that it is a “work” of every moment and they would not be wrong.
Every relationship takes effort and attention and a romantic relationship even more.
.. But once you’ve learned all of these keys and incorporated them into your habits, the payoff will be worth it, you’ll see?
So, ready to discover the secrets to making a woman happy?
Make a woman happy: She must feel special
The little touches
She should be treated like a princess so be courteous, polite, open the door for her when you go out, offer her your coat when you go out, get up when she enters a room.
These are not pretenses: for her, it’s the attentions that really matter and show that you still care so much about her.
The good compliments
Remember – especially if you’ve been in a relationship for a few years – to always compliment her.
But don’t say it in a trivial way, she’ll guess you don’t believe it.
On the contrary, to show here also your sincerity and your investment, give meaningful and truthful compliments.
Tailor your speech to suit the situation with “I like your hairstyle tonight” instead of “you’re beautiful tonight!” “.
The more positively you highlight a detail, the better the compliment will work.
And if you want more points and make her happy longer, don’t hesitate to compliment her in public, in front of your friends or hers, to show your affection by taking her hand, by kissing her.
Real men don’t shy away from their mates to emphasize the beauty or strengths of their partner.
Immediately, she will feel reboosted, fulfilled and sufficiently confident.
A thought for her
If you’ve been together for a while, it’s possible, if not very likely, that you forget to let her know how special she is to you.
As soon as you think of her, tell her: send her an SMS, an email, leave her a post-it on her desk to tell her.
Never forget to say hello in the morning, to kiss her: a woman always appreciates knowing that she is the first thing on your mind when you start your day.
Surprises for her
For a woman to be happy, she must be surprised.
Remember when you first started out, she loved it when you suddenly made some crazy decisions, pulled her out of her comfort zone.
Surprise her with flowers, with sweet words, small gifts, take her to dinner in a chic restaurant, go for a day or a weekend without warning her beforehand!
Always choose a beautiful place because she will associate it with the image you have of her as a couple.
Laughter is the key to success
Of course, you all know the adage “laughing woman, half-in-bed woman.”
Even if it is a bit cliché, it is very important to make her laugh because it indicates that she appreciates your humor, that she feels good with you, in all confidence and that she always wants to share good times. with you.
Don’t necessarily tell bad jokes to make her laugh, find your humor natural.
If you know his type of humor, that’s even easier!
She must trust you
A fulfilled and confident woman is a happy woman.
Talking about friends
To be confident in you, a happy woman needs to know what you think of the women around you, your friends and hers.
If there is any advice to follow, it is never to compliment another woman’s physical attributes in front of the woman of your heart.
If you want to say something cool about her, talk to her about a personality trait.
The woman who cares about you is suspicious of other women, so don’t hesitate to show her off in front of other women and your female friendships will be more easily accepted.
Franchise in the first place
No matter what the subject, no matter how hard it is to really say it, a woman needs someone to tell her the truth.
Although it can be hard to hear at times, she will prefer you to be sincere and honest in verse, which is a sign of trust
Know how to confide
A happy woman is also a woman who feels useful, who knows that she is your female alter ego.
For her, knowing that you can rest on her shoulders from time to time will make her feel valued and reassured.
Do not hesitate to confide in her, to open yourself up.
In return, she shares her secrets with you and there is no question, of course, of divulging them.
Show her a side of you that not many people know.
To be right in his boots
For a woman to be confident and happy, there must be a notion of transparency in your relationship.
So whether it’s on social media or your phone contacts, be sure to let it be known that you are with a woman, show that you are proud of her, she will only be touched the more.
The white knight
Finally, to keep a woman happy, just stand up for her, especially in public.
Be that serving knight who comes to her aid: even if she defends herself, deep inside she will only be happier and more delighted, even proud.
If someone teases her, take her side: a happy woman needs to know that her man is supporting her.
Then yes :
Making a woman happy takes effort …
… And work, but it is well worth it.
Remember that she will always appreciate what is romantic in her eyes, so continue to be in that spirit.
Each woman is unique, it is not possible for you to treat the woman you are currently with like the previous one.
Recognize their needs, their desires as unique and you will already be on the right track!