Commercial animation can be used to improve the image of your brand or to energize it and create a closeness with the customer.
If you are aiming to boost sales or retain your clientele, commercial animation is undoubtedly the perfect solution to achieve your goals. But what solution to put in place according to your objective and your budget?
The advantages of commercial animation
The virtual commercial animation or directly at the place of sale exists for decades and always develops according to the technological evolutions and the expectations of the customers. The main purpose of a commercial animation may be to boost sales over a given period, but it also has other positive consequences depending on the technique you choose.
Commercial animation can be used to improve the image of your brand or to energize it and create a closeness with the customer. The more you develop the relationship with your client, the more likely you are to generate an act of spontaneous purchase in the future. You can also use commercial animation to promote a new product or an ephemeral promotion to increase the consumer’s average shopping cart. The advantages of this technique have been proven many times.
The different types of commercial animation
To boost your sales over a certain period of time, you can choose several types of commercial animation. The use of street marketing is the best known technique: to involve people directly in the street to interact with potential customers to encourage them to consume. In particular, this technique can compensate for an inexpensive commercial location.
To improve your image with consumers and promote your products, workshops and tastings are also particularly appreciated. It is up to you to find the offer that most corresponds to your business sector to attract customers. In the shop, you can also count on the POS event to animate your place of sale. Involving staff has an even stronger impact on this method.
What budget?
The budget to be foreseen for a commercial animation can vary greatly depending on what you have planned: from a few hundred to several thousand euros. In street marketing, you can count on your existing pay force or post a job offer to recruit an employee on a temporary mission.
An event POS job can be quite profitable if you choose the most basic options but specialized agencies can direct you to even more advantageous offers. Setting up a workshop can cost a little more depending on what you choose. Do not hesitate to plan your marketing operation several weeks or several months in advance. It will sometimes be necessary to broadcast a job offer to find an animation professional.